Sunday, April 30, 2006


I'm in a stage of my missions planning where my visions of ministry becomes words on a page. Forming the visions takes lots of prayer and a good bit of research. Combining the two takes patience and understanding. Last week i began reading Rwanda's Vision 2020, hoping to discover the countries socio-economic goals and aspirations. Having this information would allow me to discover what part of it God has prepared me or is preparing me to help accomodate.

I have come to understand two different aspects of Jesus' message: Service and Ministry. Service focuses on the needs of the person, ministry focuses on the person. Thus i hope to signify what my service will be and in turn describe the people I hope to minister to.

By attending to the countries socio-economic needs, you imitate Jesus' model of meaningful service. From a worldly perspective, this will also help give me a more legitimate ticket into the country. Through my means of service, i will minister to those i form working relationships with.

In the Vision 2020 I saw three distinct ways that God may use me: Technology, Education, and Leadership. I have spent the last four years in college being educated on the proficient use of technology in an institutional environment thus satisfying the ability to use Technology as a means of service. I currently call Searcy, AR home, which gives me the resource of Harding University right accross the street. I will be searching out possibilities of attaining a Master's in the Science of Education all this week. Should it not come to fruition, i should still find ways to instruct students with my current level of education and understanding. Leadership is a gift God is revealing to me as I walk in His light. I hope to connect with "future thought leader's of the country" in ways that empower them to be men after God as they lead others on this earth.

Wellllll this is all a mouth full, some may be a surprise, some may not. Let it be the Lord who determines my steps(Proverbs 16:9)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Let the Journey Begin

Today I start my blogging adventure as I plan for a move to Rwanda. The road has been more exciting than any life path I've taken thus far. It has been from this that I come to know God to be a God who calls His people out of a life of complacency and normalcy, into a more invigorating, risk taking, faith building walk, sometimes run, with him. My hopes and prayers are that through this window into my world, you will get a better idea of the road less traveled by(its odd that so many people love that poem that Robert Frost wrote, but they don’t appear to comprehend what its encouraging us to do. Hmmm)

Well Until the next time, I’m headed to bed.